The advances they have made in cosmetic procedures are extremely exciting. More Americans than ever are going in for cosmetic surgical procedures. In 2011, a whopping $10 million dollars was spent on plastic surgery procedures. This is an amazing amount of money people are paying, just so they can improve their looks. Going in for medical and cosmetic treatments to look better is something we all seem to want to do nowadays. The procedures are affordable and the results are well worth the expense.
One can go in for Fraxel laser treatments to reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Crow’s feet do not stand a chance with laser treatment reno. Going in for treatments for laser skin Reno is also a good way to rid your face of surface scarring caused by acne. If you have age spots, you can get rid of them too.
Dysport and Botox are two other types of skin treatments used to give one that coveted youthful appearance. The FDA approved Botox in 1990 to treat muscle spasms in the eye. Now it helps with frown lines and such, so people go in for Botox treatments all the time now. In the United States in 2011, there were 5,670,788 Botox treatments performed.
Then we have breast augmentation Reno. Women go in for breast augmentation Reno, or to get a breast lift reno, when they do the mommy makeover Reno. Of course, you can get breast augmentation Reno at any time after the age of 18. Going in for a tummy tuck reno is another popular reason to go see a cosmetic surgeon today.