If you’re running a business in the Boston area, it might be a good idea to consider hiring a Pr firm boston, an abbreviation for a public relation firm, to help to promote your business. Interestingly, the term “public relations” came into vogue following WWI, as “propaganda” had gained a negative connotation during wartime. Public relations firms in boston can help your company to develop a public relations strategy.
Furthermore, a PR firm Boston can also help you company to develop social media PR. It is important to note that there are numerous benefits of social media PR. For example, 77 percent of buyers say they are more likely to buy from a company whose CEO uses social media, such as blogs, twitter, and facebook. In addition, business to consumer Facebook interaction is 30 percent higher than average on Sundays. Furthermore, article posting accounts for 79 percent of content marketing in B2B environments. There are many social media PR firms that can help you company to better utilize social media. Lastly, there are also tech PR firms that can help your company to better utilize technology. An important aspect of technology relevant to businesses is mobile commerce, which is projected to increase ten times from $3 billion in 2010 to $31 billion in 2016. Ultimately, effective PR is crucial. If you’re running a business in Boston consider using a PR firm Boston.