Through Senate Bill 303, or the California Food Handler Card Law, all personnel whose job it is to handle, store, or prepare food must carry around a card with them while they work indicating that they are certified to perform such functions. With the fear that food could become contaminated if handled improperly, the state took a wise approach to ensuring food safety among all citizens. With salmonella, which generally is transmitted to people through an animal’s fecal matter, still a rising concern both in California and elsewhere, and with other potential food borne illnesses and microbial hazards such as Listeria monocytogtens, staphylococcal enterotoxins, and E. coli O157:H7 still present in foods, the necessity for food safety certification and Iso training is more crucial than ever.
Through attaining an ISO 9001 training, a BRC certification, a CMMI certification or AS9100 training, a food handler could learn the basics of handling food and some other important specifics too, like the little known fact that E. coli’s incubation period lasts anywhere from one to 10 days. Through earning a certificate that shows them everything they could possibly need to know about the food service industry as it specifically relates to handling food properly to avoid contamination and infection, a person could contribute significantly to the overall operations of a food service business. On a company wide level, with everyone earning certification who handles food of any sort, the number of errors and problems occurring at a facility or in a restaurant kitchen could be drastically reduced too.
By adopting standards through ISO 9001 training and other means like through ISO 14011 certification, food service businesses could experience some significant advantages over those companies that choose not to adhere to such standards through conducting ISO 9001 training and earning other certifications, and generally improving upon their functions. This competitive advantage is seen initially through the lowered occurrence of problems related to food borne illnesses. It additionally is seen over the long haul, as companies that take ISO 9001 training and adopt stricter standards when handling and preparing food is involved often shine for other reasons as well, including through knowing their customers and communicating well with them their intentions to keep food as safe as possible for consumption. Through ISO 9001 training and through earning additional certifications, these businesses can rise above their competitors and can produce and deliver high quality foods that are free from harm.