Trophy mule deer hunts have been sought for many years, for both the fun of the hunt as well as the kill and result of the record breaking numbers that go along with it. Big game hunts can be completed on hunting ranches, hunting vacations and guided mule deer hunts. Mating seasons are the best times to trophy mule deer hunt as well as hunt for any other species, since they all seem to have their our migration habits during these times. This is also a time when you might find some other species of animals that could complete your big game hunt.
Elks stay as a gender pack called a rut for most of their lives. The only time they stray away from these packs is when they are trying to find a mate, which is once a year. Mating times are thought to be the best times to find trophy mule deer hunts, since the siren song they use to draw their mates can be heard for miles; however, for other species such as salmon and steed headed trout, their yearly spawning ritual bring them back to the place of their birth.
While on trophy mule deer hunts, do not be surprised if you run into two big species that are common in all hunting locations, like the North American Black Bear, which happens to be the most common species in the bear family, or the domesticated species of turkey that was found more than 2,000 years ago.