If you have a business where your workers are in an environment that constantly needs to be sanitized, one of the easiest and safest ways to make the commitment to doing so is with dry ice blasting. Unlike other forms of cleaning, dry ice blasting sanitizes through the use of plain old carbon dioxide. Dry ice blasting companies will have special pressurized sprayers that will let loose a jet of slurry blasting power that begins as a liquid slush and almost immediately expands into gas. The methodology behind dry ice blasting is that if the pressure behind the initial blast is not enough to pull anything nasty off the surface, the reaction that occurs when the liquid expands to gas will be.
When you hire a company that does Co2 blasting, you can feel confident that they are certified to use the equipment and will not harm your business or your employees. In fact, unlike more harmful agents that cause your building to be evacuated for a long time, after dry ice blasting Minnesota workers will be able to get back to it almost immediately afterward. This means that you can count on the service to not only be efficient in the way it cleans, but in the way that it dissipates as well. Finally, dry ice blasting is considered to be part of a growing trend in environmental cleaning services and because you will be committing your business to it, you will be aiding the environment.