How To Deal With Your Emotions When Moving

Moving can be quite a stressful time for many people. Not only are you packing up everything you own and saying goodbye to friends, family and co-workers, but you also are throwing yourself into the unknown. For this reason, it can be a scary time that is riddled with questions that do not yet have answers. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed by the moving process, then you can practice some calming techniques to help.

Some relaxing techniques that you can use include deep breathing and focusing on your goals. With deep breathing, you should take a few minutes out of each day to find a calm space in which to relax. Sit quietly and close your eyes, then breathe in deeply through your nose, then exhale through your mouth. Make sure that your exhale is longer than your inhale. Do this for a few minutes each day while thinking of nothing else, and you can help to reduce some of the anxiety that is associated with moving.

Focusing on your goals is another way to help handle your emotions during the moving process. If you are starting a new job, then focus on all of the great things that can come out of this opportunity. If you are relocating with a spouse, then think of all of the great new friends you can make and all of the wonderful new places you can visit in your new home. If this is your first time away from home, then consider how great it will be to have total control over your new place.

You also can help minimize the stress of a big move by arming yourself with a handy checklist. Checklists are available online from many moving companies as a way to help navigate the process. These checklists provide information on what you need to do eight weeks out, six weeks out, four weeks out, two weeks out and even one day before a move. If you print out one of these checklists and keep it on your refrigerator or somewhere else close by, then you can refer to it easily and frequently before moving day.

With a checklist, you might even be able to check off a few things each day. Taking these baby steps can make it so that moving day is not so stressful when it finally comes. You can literally check things off of your list, giving you a feeling of accomplishment in the process.


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