These kinds of products that are productive is the rule of the game, which is what the Vermeer D550 excels at for high-speed directional drilling like water lines, energy infrastructure and high-voltage transmission lines.
The torque output is top-of-the-line 100,000 ft-lbs. This allows users to minimize the number of passes and allows users to accomplish more work within a shorter time. Then, the ultra-low speed technology allows operators to have precise control even in difficult conditions to improve tooling life and penetration rate. The operators are capable of performing fluid, effective and efficient directional drilling operations because of the combination of three operating modes , namely rotation to speed, thrust as well its full-travel vise.
It’s also quite quiet at 111-DB(A) even for a huge machine. This can allow you to reduce the cost of low-frequency sound, which is particularly important within urban settings.
These features and more help the Vermeer D550 Horizontal Directional Drill set the standard for directional drilling operations within the maxi-rigs. bkw9tmgb2k.